WOLF welcomes partners looking to house real-time interactive shows online and in the metaverse
Benefits of Partnering
Live, interactive shows with your fans for free
Get your own branded festival stage & gift icons
Live stream your shows in 3D in the metaverse
Show your brand in the metaverse by sharing 3D show highlights clips on your social channels
See highlights of your show in Virtual Reality when wearing a Meta Oculus Quest 2 VR headset
Get a revenue share from sales of the branded gifts
Receive media attention from a co-produced press release about the partnership, focusing on your brand entering the metaverse & VR
Have new audiences for your content as WOLF promotes your shows internally & with external ads

WOLF periodically runs large media events to promote major milestones, which could be co-branded with a partner
It provides the ultimate online social life of entertainment and community
WOLF will become the No1 3D metaverse platform for MENA
Everyone can find a role in WOLF, creating the festival experience
WOLF VR will become the reason for Arab consumers to buy VR headsets
Users appear as their avatar and voice, without the pressure of video
This is performance and friendship generated by users for users
WOLF will produce the first generation of Arab metaverse celebrities